Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

to turn on (down) the

  • 1 to turn on (down) the gas

    to turn on (down) the gas
    abrir (fechar) o gás.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to turn on (down) the gas

  • 2 to turn down the radio

    to turn down the radio
    diminuir o volume do rádio.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to turn down the radio

  • 3 turn

    [tə:n] 1. verb
    1) (to (make something) move or go round; to revolve: The wheels turned; He turned the handle.) rodar
    2) (to face or go in another direction: He turned and walked away; She turned towards him.) virar-se
    3) (to change direction: The road turned to the left.) virar
    4) (to direct; to aim or point: He turned his attention to his work.) dirigir
    5) (to go round: They turned the corner.) dar a volta
    6) (to (cause something to) become or change to: You can't turn lead into gold; At what temperature does water turn into ice?) transformar(-se)
    7) (to (cause to) change colour to: Her hair turned white; The shock turned his hair white.) mudar (de cor)
    2. noun
    1) (an act of turning: He gave the handle a turn.) volta
    2) (a winding or coil: There are eighty turns of wire on this aerial.) volta
    3) ((also turning) a point where one can change direction, eg where one road joins another: Take the third turn(ing) on/to the left.) esquina
    4) (one's chance or duty (to do, have etc something shared by several people): It's your turn to choose a record; You'll have to wait your turn in the bathroom.) vez
    5) (one of a series of short circus or variety acts, or the person or persons who perform it: The show opened with a comedy turn.) número
    - turnover
    - turnstile
    - turntable
    - turn-up
    - by turns
    - do someone a good turn
    - do a good turn
    - in turn
    - by turns
    - out of turn
    - speak out of turn
    - take a turn for the better
    - worse
    - take turns
    - turn a blind eye
    - turn against
    - turn away
    - turn back
    - turn down
    - turn in
    - turn loose
    - turn off
    - turn on
    - turn out
    - turn over
    - turn up
    * * *
    [tə:n] n 1 rotação, volta, giro. I took two turns up and down the room / andei duas vezes para cá e para lá dentro do quarto. 2 fig mudança de direção, reviravolta, crise, ação de virar. 3 curva, cotovelo. 4 mudança, alteração, variação. 5 torção, torcedura. 6 vez, ocasião. await your turn! / espere sua vez! now it is my turn / agora é a minha vez. 7 tempo, período, turno. we did it in turns / fizemos isto em turnos. 8 ação, ato, serviço, favor, obséquio. one good turn deserves another / um favor merece outro. 9 inclinação, predileção, tendência, talento. he has a turn for music / ele tem talento (inclinação, interesse) para a música. 10 curso, caminho. 11 passeio, giro, excursão, volta. we took a turn / demos uma volta, fizemos um passeio. 12 susto, choque. it gave her a turn / ela assustou-se. 13 desmaio. 14 Mus grupeto, nota floreada. 15 oportunidade. 16 ocupação passageira ou provisória. 17 Theat número de variedades. 18 estado, condição, natureza, disposição, caráter. 19 sucessão, alternação, rodízio. 20 Typogr letra bloqueada. • vt+vi 1 girar, rodar, virar(-se), volver(-se). he turned her head / ele lhe virou a cabeça. it turns my stomach / está me virando o estômago. I don’t know which way to turn / fig não sei o que fazer, não sei para que lado me virar. we turned the coat inside out / viramos o paletó às avessas. 2 voltar-se. 3 mover, mexer. we did not turn a hair / não perdemos a calma, não demonstramos. 4 mudar (de direção), alterar o curso. 5 dirigir(-se). 6 retornar. 7 desviar. 8 inverter, reverter. 9 revolver na mente. 10 mudar de posição. 11 mudar de assunto. 12 transformar(-se) em (gelo), mudar (cor), tornar(-se) pálido. 13 fazer, formar, adaptar-se. 14 perturbar, transtornar. her brain (head) is turned / ela é louca. 15 mandar embora, fazer ir. 16 volver, dirigir (olhos), virar (rosto). 17 ser mudado. 18 parar, aparar. 19 fazer voltar. 20 passar, dar volta, contornar. 21 ultrapassar, passar (tempo, idade). 22 tornear, fazer no torno. 23 ser torneado. 24 deixar doente. 25 ficar tonto, desmaiar. my head turns / minha cabeça está virando, estou tonto. 26 dobrar. 27 madurecer, mudar de cor. 28 induzir, instigar. 29 expulsar. 30 vender, trocar. 31 traduzir, verter. 32 transformar(-se), alterar, virar às avessas. 33 agrisalhar. 34 entregar. 35 moldar, configurar. 36 resultar, terminar. 37 tornar-se. he turned Christian, soldier, traitor / ele converteu-se ao cristianismo, ficou soldado, virou traidor. 38 estragar, azedar, coalhar (leite). a friendly (good) turn um serviço de amigo, um obséquio. an ill, bad turn um ato mau. an unexpected turn uma mudança inesperada. at every turn a cada momento, em cada ocasião. a turn for the better uma mudança para o melhor. a well turned phrase uma frase bem formulada. by turns alternativamente, em intervalos. done to a turn Cook no ponto. he turned up a tough person ele mostrou-se, revelou-se uma pessoa dura. it took a bad turn virou para o lado ruim. light and dark by turns claro e escuro alternadamente. on the turn prestes a virar (maré). right about turn! Mil meia-volta, volver! the turn of the century a virada do século. to serve one’s turn servir ao fim de, vir a propósito de. to take turns a) mudar, trocar com, revezar-se. b) experimentar. to turn about virar(-se), volver, voltar(-se). to turn a deaf ear fazer-se de surdo. to turn adrift mandar embora, deixar desamparado. to turn against influenciar contra, virar-se contra, ofender, atiçar. to turn around virar ao contrário, torcer (palavras), mudar de atitude. to turn aside desviar(-se), virar-se para o lado. to turn a trick vulg vender-se (prostituta). to turn away a) desviar, virar, mandar embora, despedir, rejeitar. b) virar-se, voltar-se. to turn back a) regressar, voltar, retroceder. b) recusar, devolver. c) retorquir. d) mandar de volta, fazer voltar. she couldn’t turn back / ela não pode voltar atrás (decisão). to turn down a) virar para baixo, dobrar (para baixo). b) diminuir (gás, etc.). c) declinar, rejeitar (oferta). d) desprezar, abandonar. e) descer, ir para baixo. to turn eighteen fazer, completar 18 anos. to turn from dissuadir de. to turn in a) virar, dobrar, (para dentro). b) entregar (alguém). to turn into a) converter em, transformar em. b) instigar a. c) traduzir. d) transformar-se em. e) converter-se em, tornar-se, ficar. to turn into verse pôr em versos. to turn nasty tornar-se desagradável. to turn off a) desviar, afastar, impedir. b) ( from de), despedir, mandar embora. c) fechar, desligar (gás, rádio, torneira). d) realizar, produzir. e) desligar emocionalmente ou sexualmente. f) dirigir-se para o lado. g) desviar-se, afastar-se. h) estragar. i) virar, entrar, sair de uma rua e entrar em outra, dobrar uma esquina. to turn off with a laugh desfazer com um riso. to turn on a) abrir (torneira), ligar (rádio, etc.). b) coll excitar (sexualmente). c) usar narcóticos. d) virar-se. e) girar sobre, em volta de, depender de. f) atacar, visar, retorquir. to turn one’s coat virar a casaca, mudar de opinião. to turn on the heat sl aumentar o esforço, pressão, atividade. to turn out a) virar para fora (os pés). b) expulsar, mandar embora. they turned him out of doors (out of the house) / botaram-no para fora. c) despejar. d) apagar, desligar (luz). e) virar às avessas (as bolsas). f) extrair (carvão). g) transportar, carregar, produzir, fornecer (mercadorias). h) sl iniciar alguém (sexo, drogas). i) virar-se, dirigir-se (para fora). j) sair, ir-se. k) vir à luz, confirmar (-se). l) formar-se, tornar-se. he has turned out a diligent boy / ele tornou-se um rapaz diligente. m) verificar-se, mostrar ser. It turned out that she had money / verificou-se que ela tinha o dinheiro. n) decorrer, terminar. o) largar o trabalho. to turn out well sair bem, dar certo. to turn over a) virar. b) folhar. c) derrubar. d) transbordar. e) transferir. f) revolver. g) movimentar (dinheiro). h) transmitir. i) extraditar. j) encarregar. k) virar-se. l) girar, revolver-se. m) mudar de opinião ou posição. n) inverter. o) denunciar, entregar (às autoridades). to turn over in someone’s mind estudar bem, pensar bem. to turn round a) girar, virar. b) volver, voltar. c) fig converter-se. to turn someone round one’s little finger dominar alguém completamente. to turn something into money transformar em dinheiro, vender. to turn tail recuar ignominiosamente. to turn the back upon someone virar as costas para alguém. to turn the corner a) dobrar a esquina. b) fig vencer a crise. to turn the key virar a chave. to turn the knife in the wound fig abrir novas feridas. to turn the steps towards dirigir os passos para. to turn the tables mudar a sorte. to turn the tables upon pagar na mesma moeda a. to turn the tap on fig cair em prantos. to turn things upside down virar as coisas de pernas para a ar. to turn thumbs down sl recusar, rejeitar, negar. to turn to a) dirigir, concentrar, aplicar, aproveitar. he turn edit to account / ele tirou proveito disto, aproveitou-o com vantagem. b) começar a trabalhar. c) dirigir-se para. they turned to us / dirigiram-se a nós. d) dirigir-se a. e) voltar-se para. f) transformar-se em, converter-se para, tornar-se. to turn toward dirigir para. to turn turtle fig virar de pernas para o ar. to turn up a) virar para cima, dobrar para cima. she turned up her nose / ela torceu o nariz. b) trazer à tona. c) arregaçar. d) aumentar (som, fogo). e) abrir (baralho). f) descobrir, revelar. g) fazer a barra (roupas). h) dirigir-se para cima, virar-se para cima, levantar-se. i) aparecer, vir à tona, surgir. she has turned up at last / ela chegou finalmente. j) acontecer, suceder. k) tornar-se. l) verificar-se, mostrar-se. to turn upon dirigir-se contra, girar em torno de, tratar-se de. to turn up the wick (sl de aviação) acelerar, voar a toda a velocidade. to turn water into wine transformar água em vinho. turn and turn about alternativamente, sucessivamente. turn it up! coll basta! chega! cale a boca! turn of mind modo de pensar. turn over! vide verso! we turned an honest penny by ganhamos nosso dinheiro honestamente com.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > turn

  • 4 down

    I 1. adverb
    1) (towards or in a low or lower position, level or state: He climbed down to the bottom of the ladder.) para baixo
    2) (on or to the ground: The little boy fell down and cut his knee.) no chão
    3) (from earlier to later times: The recipe has been handed down in our family for years.) através do tempo
    4) (from a greater to a smaller size, amount etc: Prices have been going down steadily.) para baixo
    5) (towards or in a place thought of as being lower, especially southward or away from a centre: We went down from Glasgow to Bristol.) para o sul
    2. preposition
    1) (in a lower position on: Their house is halfway down the hill.) a descer
    2) (to a lower position on, by, through or along: Water poured down the drain.) para baixo
    3) (along: The teacher's gaze travelled slowly down the line of children.) ao longo de
    3. verb
    (to finish (a drink) very quickly, especially in one gulp: He downed a pint of beer.) emborcar
    - downwards
    - downward
    - down-and-out
    - down-at-heel
    - downcast
    - downfall
    - downgrade
    - downhearted
    - downhill
    - downhill racing
    - downhill skiing
    - down-in-the-mouth
    - down payment
    - downpour
    - downright
    4. adjective - downstream
    - down-to-earth
    - downtown
    - downtown
    - down-trodden
    - be/go down with
    - down on one's luck
    - down tools
    - down with
    - get down to
    - suit someone down to the ground
    - suit down to the ground
    II noun
    (small, soft feathers: a quilt filled with down.) penugem
    - downy
    * * *
    [daun] n 1 duna. 2 terreno elevado e colinoso coberto de relva no sul da Inglaterra, usado como pastagem, colinas perto do mar no norte e no sul da Inglaterra ( the Downs), enseada entre os promontórios no norte e no sul da Inglaterra. 3 penugem, penas, pêlos ou cabelos que primeiro nascem, buço, cotão, lanugem, frouxel. 4 qualquer substância fofa, macia ou felpuda. 5 pêlo nas cascas de plantas ou frutas. 6 movimento em declive, descida. 7 revés de fortuna (especialmente no plural). 8 sl desconfiança. • vt+vi coll abaixar, abater, sujeitar, derrubar, dominar, humilhar, descer, descender, engolir rapidamente. • adj 1 abatido, desanimado, descoroçoado, deprimido. I may be down but not out / nem tudo está perdido. 2 em estado ou condição inferior. 3 em declive. 4 doente, adoentado. he is down with the flu / ele tem gripe. 5 Amer terminado. 6 Comp fora do ar, inoperante. • adv 1 abaixo, para baixo, em descida, em declive. 2 em decadência. 3 em posição deitada no chão. 4 abaixo do horizonte. 5 no ponto inferior, ao mais baixo grau. 6 do norte ao sul. 7 de origem, propriedade ou época anterior. 8 a uma quantia inferior, a um preço reduzido. 9 em estado de sujeição, depressão, desgraça ou perigo. 10 efetivamente, realmente, com atenção, com aplicação. 11 por escrito, no papel, em preto no branco. 12 à vista, contra entrega. 13 Naut a sotavento. 14 seguindo a corrente. 15 em estado mais calmo, menos intenso. 16 em mau estado físico. • prep abaixo, para baixo, em declive, ao longo de, em direção inferior. • interj abaixo! deita! senta! the ups and downs at life as vicissitudes da vida. down and out totalmente desprovido, privado de recursos, arruinado, liquidado, vencido. down at heel maltrapilho, descuidado no traje. down for em uma lista de espera. down for Tuesday anunciado para terça-feira. down from town afastado da cidade. down in the country no campo, no interior. down in the mouth descoroçoado, desalentado, desanimado. down on zangado ou aborrecido com. down on one’s knees de joelhos. down on one’s luck necessitado de dinheiro, pronto. down the centuries no correr dos séculos. down the river pelo rio abaixo, seguindo a corrente. down the wind a sotavento. down to hell! vá para o inferno! down to the ground coll completamente. down with him! derriba-o! deita-o abaixo! he is down upon his luck ele está sem sorte. he was tracked down at last finalmente ele foi achado. the sun is down o sol se pôs. the thermometer is down by five degrees o termômetro desceu 5 graus. the wind is down cessou o vento. to bear down, to beat down Naut pôr-se a barlavento. to be down on ser severo, rude com alguém, tratar mal, falar rudemente a alguém. to bend down curvar-se. to calm down acalmar. to clean the house down limpar a casa toda. to come down vir abaixo, descer, fig baixar, abater-se, ceder, cair na miséria. to come down with cair de cama com. to down tools fazer greve. to fly down aterrissar, descer voando, voar para. to get down 1 apear, descer. 2 engolir, tragar alguma coisa. to get down to business ir ao que interessa, ir direto ao assunto. to get down to work trabalhar com afinco. to go down 1 afundar, soçobrar. 2 deixar a universidade para as férias ou no fim do trimestre. 3 baixar (o preço). 4 acalmar-se (o vento). to have a down on coll guardar rancor a. to hunt down = link=%20to%20ride%20down to ride down. to kneel down ajoelhar-se. to knock down atropelar. to let someone down 1 humilhar. 2 deixar ao desamparo, abandonar alguém. to lie down deitar-se. to pay cash down pagar à vista. to put a down on sl dar informações sobre, delatar, denunciar. to put down 1 depor. 2 assentar por escrito, notar, registrar. to ride down 1 alcançar perseguindo. 2 forçar, escaramuçar, atropelar. to send down expulsar ou suspender um estudante. to set down 1 assentar por escrito, notar. 2 mencionar, citar. 3 resolver. 4 registrar. to shout down fazer calar mediante gritos. to sit down sentar-se. to step down descer. to stoop down abaixar-se. to take down 1 assentar por escrito, notar, registrar. 2 pôr abaixo, deitar abaixo. to turn down the radio diminuir o volume do rádio. to write down assentar por escrito, notar, registrar. up and down aqui e acolá, de lá para cá, para baixo e para cima, por toda parte. upside down de cabeça para baixo, ao revés, às avessas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > down

  • 5 turn down

    1) (to say `no' to; to refuse: He turned down her offer/request.) recusar
    2) (to reduce (the level of light, noise etc) produced by (something): Please turn down (the volume on) the radio - it's far too loud!) baixar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > turn down

  • 6 turn down

    1) (to say `no' to; to refuse: He turned down her offer/request.) recusar
    2) (to reduce (the level of light, noise etc) produced by (something): Please turn down (the volume on) the radio - it's far too loud!) reduzir

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > turn down

  • 7 turn

    [tə:n] 1. verb
    1) (to (make something) move or go round; to revolve: The wheels turned; He turned the handle.) girar
    2) (to face or go in another direction: He turned and walked away; She turned towards him.) virar(-se)
    3) (to change direction: The road turned to the left.) virar
    4) (to direct; to aim or point: He turned his attention to his work.) voltar
    5) (to go round: They turned the corner.) virar
    6) (to (cause something to) become or change to: You can't turn lead into gold; At what temperature does water turn into ice?) transformar
    7) (to (cause to) change colour to: Her hair turned white; The shock turned his hair white.) tornar(-se)
    2. noun
    1) (an act of turning: He gave the handle a turn.) giro
    2) (a winding or coil: There are eighty turns of wire on this aerial.) volta
    3) ((also turning) a point where one can change direction, eg where one road joins another: Take the third turn(ing) on/to the left.) esquina
    4) (one's chance or duty (to do, have etc something shared by several people): It's your turn to choose a record; You'll have to wait your turn in the bathroom.) vez
    5) (one of a series of short circus or variety acts, or the person or persons who perform it: The show opened with a comedy turn.) número
    - turnover - turnstile - turntable - turn-up - by turns - do someone a good turn - do a good turn - in turn - by turns - out of turn - speak out of turn - take a turn for the better - worse - take turns - turn a blind eye - turn against - turn away - turn back - turn down - turn in - turn loose - turn off - turn on - turn out - turn over - turn up

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > turn

  • 8 gas

    [ɡæs] 1. noun
    1) (a substance like air: Oxygen is a gas.) gás
    2) (any gas which is used for heating, cooking etc.) gás
    3) (a gas which is used by dentists as an anaesthetic.) gás
    4) (a poisonous or irritating gas used in war etc: The police used tear gas to control the riot.) gás
    2. verb
    (to poison or kill (a person or animal) with gas: He was gassed during World War I.) gazear
    - gassy
    - gassiness
    - gas chamber
    - gas mask
    - gas meter
    - gasoline
    - gasolene
    - gas station
    - gasworks
    * * *
    [gæs] n 1 Phys gás: corpo gasoso, combustível, iluminação, mistura de gases, arma de guerra. 2 Amer coll gasolina. 3 Amer sl conversa fiada, boba. 4 Amer sl coisa ou pessoa muito agradável, atraente ou divertida. • vt+vi 1 suprir com gás. 2 tratar com gás, usar gás em. 3 soltar gás. 4 atacar com gás tóxico. 5 coll suprir com gasolina. 6 Amer sl conversar à toa. anti-gas defesa contra gás. gas and gaiters bobagem, tolice. rare gas gás raro. to stepp on the gas pisar fundo no acelerador. to turn on (down) the gas abrir (fechar) o gás. waste gas gás de combustão, gás inaproveitável.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > gas

  • 9 nose

    [nəuz] 1. noun
    1) (the part of the face by which people and animals smell and usually breathe: She held the flower to her nose; He punched the man on the nose.) nariz
    2) (the sense of smell: Police dogs have good noses and can follow criminals' trails.) faro
    3) (the part of anything which is like a nose in shape or position: the nose of an aeroplane.) nariz
    2. verb
    1) (to make a way by pushing carefully forward: The ship nosed (its way) through the ice.) abrir caminho
    2) (to look or search as if by smelling: He nosed about (in) the cupboard.) farejar
    - - nosed
    - nosey
    - nosy
    - nosily
    - nosiness
    - nose-bag
    - nosedive
    - nose job
    3. verb
    (to make such a dive: Suddenly the plane nosedived.)
    - lead by the nose
    - nose out
    - pay through the nose
    - turn up one's nose at
    - under a person's very nose
    - under very nose
    - under a person's nose
    - under nose
    * * *
    [nouz] n 1 nariz. 2 focinho. 3 olfato. 4 faro. 5 bico, ponta. 6 proa. 7 fig sagacidade. • vt+vi 1 farejar. 2 cheirar. 3 localizar pelo cheiro. 4 esfregar com o nariz. 5 procurar. 6 cheirar com o objetivo de avaliar(vinho). 7 mover-se cautelosamente em uma certa direção. it gets up my nose isto me aborrece. on the nose na mosca, exatamente. the traffic stood nose to tail right down the avenue os veículos estavam em fila (um atrás do outro) na avenida. to blow one’s nose assoar o nariz. to follow one’s nose seguir sempre direito. to lead by the nose fazer alguém seguir cegamente. to nose about bisbilhotar. to nose out descobrir. to pay through the nose pagar um preço exorbitante. to pick one’s nose pôr o dedo no nariz. to put someone’s nose out of joint desconcertar alguém. to thrust/put one’s nose into intrometer-se. to turn up the nose mostrar desprezo. to turn up your nose at something rejeitar, desprezar. under one’s nose bem à vista, debaixo do nariz.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > nose

  • 10 bear

    I [beə] past tense - bore; verb
    1) ((usually with cannot, could not etc) to put up with or endure: I couldn't bear it if he left.) suportar
    2) (to be able to support: Will the table bear my weight?) suportar
    3) ((past participle in passive born [bo:n]) to produce (children): She has borne (him) several children; She was born on July 7.) parir
    4) (to carry: He was borne shoulder-high after his victory.) transportar
    5) (to have: The cheque bore his signature.) ter
    6) (to turn or fork: The road bears left here.) virar
    - bearer
    - bearing
    - bearings
    - bear down on
    - bear fruit
    - bear out
    - bear up
    - bear with
    - find/get one's bearings
    - lose one's bearings
    II [beə] noun
    (a large heavy animal with thick fur and hooked claws.) urso
    * * *
    [bɛə] vt+vi (ps bore, pp borne, born). 1 carregar, conduzir, levar, trazer. 2 ostentar, portar, ter, possuir, exibir, ter como característica ou atributo. I bear him a grudge / nutro rancor contra ele. 3 produzir, dar, render. 4 dar à luz, parir. 5 sustentar, suportar, manter. 6 tolerar, agüentar, sofrer. I cannot bear her / não a suporto. 7 acossar, tocar, empurrar, impelir. 8 disseminar, espalhar, difundir. 9 prestar, dar testemunho, auxílio etc. 10 escoltar, comboiar. 11 portar-se, conduzir-se. 12 exercer, desempenhar. to bear a part in / desempenhar um papel. 13 nutrir, alimentar, guardar (sentimento). 14 arcar com (ônus, despesas etc.). to bear the blame / arcar com a culpa. 15 ter relação ou conexão. 16 permitir, admitir, oferecer. 17 ser paciente ou tolerante. 18 ir, rumar, dirigir-se. 19 carregar, transportar. 20 estar situado, encontrar-se. 21 estar dirigido ou apontado. 22 sofrer, experimentar. 23 ser produtivo ou rendoso. 24 agüentar, resistir. bear a hand! dê uma mão! bear with me seja indulgente comigo. does the ice bear? o gelo agüenta (o peso)? he bore me out ele me auxiliou. he bore up ele não desanimou. he was borne away by the current ele foi arrastado pela correnteza. his impudence is not to be borne sua impudência é insuportável. his patience bore fruit sua paciência deu resultado. it bears upon the question relaciona-se com a questão. the cold bears hard on us o frio nos castiga (ou oprime). they bore up for... eles viajaram para... to bear against agredir, atacar. he bore against me / ele me agrediu. to bear arms prestar serviço militar. to bear away Naut a) fazer-se ao mar, velejar, partir. the ship bore away / o navio partiu. b) arribar, virar a sota-vento. to bear company fazer companhia a. he bore me company / ele me fez companhia. to bear comparison with suportar confronto com. to bear down a) forçar para baixo. b) vencer, derrotar, sobrepujar. to bear down (on ou upon) a) cair sobre, abater. b) Naut aproximar-se por barlavento. to bear in hand arch ter em mãos, controlar. to bear in mind ter em mente. I bear it in mind / tenho-o em mente. to bear low sail a) portar-se humildemente. b) viver modestamente. to bear off a) ganhar, conquistar (prêmio). b) Naut desatracar, fazer-se ao largo. to bear on ter ligação com to bear oneself portar-se, conduzir-se. to bear out a) suportar, apoiar, defender. b) corroborar, confirmar. c) tornar suportável. to bear sail a) arvorar todo o pano. b) fig progredir, prosperar, medrar. to bear up a) suportar, manter, sustentar. b) manter-se firme, agüentar. c) manter passo com, acompanhar. 4 Naut fazer-se ao mar. to bear up for Naut demandar. to bear up to mover-se ou dirigir-se para. to bear with suportar, tolerar. to bear witness to testemunhar. they bore false witness against him / levantaram falso testemunho contra ele. you must bear to the right você deve dobrar à direita.
    [bɛə] n 1 Zool urso. 2 Zool, Austr urso-de-bolso. 3 pele de urso. 4 fig pessoa desajeitada. 5 pessoa rude, maleducada. 6 Astr Ursa. the Great Bear or Greater Bear a Ursa Maior. the Little or Lesser Bear a Ursa Menor. 7 coll Amer pessimista (especialmente em relação a negócios). 8 Stock Market baixista. • vt 1 provocar a baixa. 2 especular na baixa. • adj baixista.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bear

  • 11 It

    1) ((used as the subject of a verb or object of a verb or preposition) the thing spoken of, used especially of lifeless things and of situations, but also of animals and babies: If you find my pencil, please give it to me; The dog is in the garden, isn't it?; I picked up the baby because it was crying; He decided to run a mile every morning but he couldn't keep it up.) o/a
    2) (used as a subject in certain kinds of sentences eg in talking about the weather, distance or time: Is it raining very hard?; It's cold; It is five o'clock; Is it the fifth of March?; It's two miles to the village; Is it your turn to make the tea?; It is impossible for him to finish the work; It was nice of you to come; Is it likely that he would go without us?) ele/a
    3) ((usually as the subject of the verb be) used to give emphasis to a certain word or phrase: It was you (that) I wanted to see, not Mary.) ele/a
    4) (used with some verbs as a direct object with little meaning: The car broke down and we had to walk it; Oh, bother it!)
    - its
    - itself
    * * *
    Italian, Italy

    English-Portuguese dictionary > It

  • 12 it

    1) ((used as the subject of a verb or object of a verb or preposition) the thing spoken of, used especially of lifeless things and of situations, but also of animals and babies: If you find my pencil, please give it to me; The dog is in the garden, isn't it?; I picked up the baby because it was crying; He decided to run a mile every morning but he couldn't keep it up.) o/a
    2) (used as a subject in certain kinds of sentences eg in talking about the weather, distance or time: Is it raining very hard?; It's cold; It is five o'clock; Is it the fifth of March?; It's two miles to the village; Is it your turn to make the tea?; It is impossible for him to finish the work; It was nice of you to come; Is it likely that he would go without us?) ele/a
    3) ((usually as the subject of the verb be) used to give emphasis to a certain word or phrase: It was you (that) I wanted to see, not Mary.) ele/a
    4) (used with some verbs as a direct object with little meaning: The car broke down and we had to walk it; Oh, bother it!)
    - its
    - itself
    * * *
    n 1 objeto indefinido em expressões idiomáticas. 2 fig o ovo de Colombo. 3 atrativo pessoal (feminino e masculino). 4 ponto, questão. that is simply it / aí é que está a coisa. • pron 1 ele, ela, o, a, lhe. it is cherries / são cerejas. who is it? / quem é? it is my son / é meu filho. 2 isso, isto. it is my fault / a culpa é minha. throw it away / jogue isto fora. from all these reasons it follows... por todas estas razões deduz-se.... he thinks he is it sl ele se acha muito importante. it follows that conclui-se que. it happens acontece. it is me sou eu. it rains está chovendo. it was he who foi ele que. it won’t work não vai dar certo. she was it ela foi formidável. so it is assim é. this is it sl esse é o ponto importante.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > it

  • 13 it

    1) ((used as the subject of a verb or object of a verb or preposition) the thing spoken of, used especially of lifeless things and of situations, but also of animals and babies: If you find my pencil, please give it to me; The dog is in the garden, isn't it?; I picked up the baby because it was crying; He decided to run a mile every morning but he couldn't keep it up.) isso, aquilo, o, a
    2) (used as a subject in certain kinds of sentences eg in talking about the weather, distance or time: Is it raining very hard?; It's cold; It is five o'clock; Is it the fifth of March?; It's two miles to the village; Is it your turn to make the tea?; It is impossible for him to finish the work; It was nice of you to come; Is it likely that he would go without us?)
    3) ((usually as the subject of the verb be) used to give emphasis to a certain word or phrase: It was you (that) I wanted to see, not Mary.)
    4) (used with some verbs as a direct object with little meaning: The car broke down and we had to walk it; Oh, bother it!)
    - its
    - itself

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > it

  • 14 blind

    1. adjective
    1) (not able to see: a blind man.) cego
    2) ((with to) unable to notice: She is blind to his faults.) cego
    3) (hiding what is beyond: a blind corner.) sem visibilidade
    4) (of or for blind people: a blind school.) de cegos
    2. noun
    1) ((often in plural) a screen to prevent light coming through a window etc: The sunlight is too bright - pull down the blinds!) estore
    2) (something intended to mislead or deceive: He did that as a blind.) subterfúgio
    3. verb
    (to make blind: He was blinded in the war.) cegar
    - blindly
    - blindness
    - blind alley
    - blindfold
    4. verb
    (to put a blindfold on (some person or animal).) vendar
    5. adjective, adverb
    (with the eyes covered by a cloth etc: She came blindfold into the room.) de olhos vendados
    - the blind leading the blind
    * * *
    [blaind] n 1 cego. 2 cortina, veneziana, anteparo. 3 biombo, o que esconde alguma coisa. 4 pretexto, subterfúgio. 5 Amer esconderijo, tocaia. 6 antolhos de cavalo. 7 sl bêbado. • vt 1 cegar. 2 escurecer, obscurecer. 3 encobrir, esconder. 4 confundir, desconcertar. 5 ofuscar, deslumbrar. 6 eclipsar, sobrepujar, exceder. • adj 1 cego. 2 inconsciente. 3 encoberto, escondido. 4 feito às cegas, irracional. 5 insensível, apático. 6 sem abertura, sem saída. 7 com uma só abertura. 8 secreto. 9 para cegos, de cegos. 10 Bot sem flor. 11 ininteligível, ilegível. 12 opaco, sem brilho. among the blind a one-eyed man is king na terra de cegos quem tem um olho é rei. in a blind fury alucinado de raiva. stone-blind totalmente cego. to turn a blind eye to something ignorar alguma coisa, fechar os olhos diante de. Venetian blind veneziana. when the devil is blind no dia de São Nunca.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > blind

  • 15 switch

    [swi ] 1. noun
    1) (a small lever, handle or other device eg for putting or turning an electric current on or off: The switch is down when the power is on and up when it's off; He couldn't find the light-switch.) interruptor
    2) (an act of turning or changing: After several switches of direction they found themselves on the right road.) mudança
    3) (a thin stick.) vara
    2. verb
    (to change, turn: He switched the lever to the `off' position; Let's switch over to another programme; Having considered that problem, they switched their attention to other matters.) mudar
    - switchboard
    - switch on/off
    * * *
    [switʃ] n 1 vara fina e flexível. 2 varada, chibatada, chicotada. 3 trança de cabelos postiços. 4 vareta, graveto. 5 desvio, chave em trilhos. 6 Electr chave, interruptor, comutador. 7 mudança, virada. • vt+vi 1 açoitar, bater, chicotear. 2 balançar, fazer movimentos de vaivém, como uma vara flexível, sacudir, abanar, agitar. 3 Amer desviar, manobrar, mudar para outro trilho. 4 Electr comutar. 5 mudar, trocar, desviar. the conversation switched to politics / a conversa mudou para a política. I’ll be switched Amer coll macacos me mordam. switch off! quieto! cale a boca! switch operating station cabina de comando de chaves. to make the switch fazer a troca. to switch back retornar à situação anterior. to switch off desligar (rádio), apagar, fechar. to switch on ligar, acender, abrir. to switch over mudar, alterar. to switch with someone trocar com alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > switch

  • 16 switch

    [swi ] 1. noun
    1) (a small lever, handle or other device eg for putting or turning an electric current on or off: The switch is down when the power is on and up when it's off; He couldn't find the light-switch.) interruptor
    2) (an act of turning or changing: After several switches of direction they found themselves on the right road.) mudança
    3) (a thin stick.) varinha
    2. verb
    (to change, turn: He switched the lever to the `off' position; Let's switch over to another programme; Having considered that problem, they switched their attention to other matters.) mudar, desviar
    - switchboard - switch on/off

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > switch

  • 17 bear

    I [beə] past tense - bore; verb
    1) ((usually with cannot, could not etc) to put up with or endure: I couldn't bear it if he left.) suportar
    2) (to be able to support: Will the table bear my weight?) agüentar
    3) ((past participle in passive born [bo:n]) to produce (children): She has borne (him) several children; She was born on July 7.) dar à luz, nascer
    4) (to carry: He was borne shoulder-high after his victory.) carregar
    5) (to have: The cheque bore his signature.) conter
    6) (to turn or fork: The road bears left here.) virar, ir para
    - bearer - bearing - bearings - bear down on - bear fruit - bear out - bear up - bear with - find/get one's bearings - lose one's bearings II [beə] noun
    (a large heavy animal with thick fur and hooked claws.) urso

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > bear

  • 18 invert

    (to turn upside down or reverse the order of.) inverter
    - inverted commas
    * * *
    ['invə:t] n invertido, homossexual. • [inv'ə:t] vt 1 inverter, virar, reverter. 2 converter. 3 virar de cabeça para baixo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > invert

  • 19 splitting headache

    (a very bad headache: Turn down the radio - I've a splitting headache.) dor de cabeça horrível

    English-Portuguese dictionary > splitting headache

  • 20 invert

    (to turn upside down or reverse the order of.) inverter
    - inverted commas

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > invert

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Down the Aisle (The Wedding Song) — Patti LaBelle And Her Blue Belles Veröffentlichung 1963 Länge 3:39 Genre(s) Doo Wop, Rock n Roll Autor(en) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • The Cat Who Brought Down the House — (2003) is the 25th novel in the Cat Who series and is written by Lillian Jackson Braun.Plot introductionA native of Moose County, Thelma Thackeray, is returning to die. She is 82, has fame and fortune, and owns a vacant opera house downtown. She… …   Wikipedia

  • Turn Down the Lights — Single infobox Name = Turn Down the Lights Artist = Shanice from Album = 21... Ways to Grow Released = July 26, 1994 Format = 12 single, CD single, cassette single Recorded = 1993 1994 Genre = R B Length = 4:30 Label = Motown Writer = Bo Watson,… …   Wikipedia

  • Turn it down! — In diesem Artikel oder Abschnitt fehlen folgende wichtige Informationen: Kritik fehlt Du kannst Wikipedia helfen, indem du sie recherchierst und einfügst. Turn it down! ist eine Informationsplattform des „ …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • turn sb down — UK US turn sb/sth down Phrasal Verb with turn({{}}/tɜːn/ verb [I or T] ► to refuse an offer, a job, or a request: »The rival energy company s bid of 640p a share was turned down. turn sb down for sth »He was turned down for the job because of… …   Financial and business terms

  • turn sth down — UK US turn sb/sth down Phrasal Verb with turn({{}}/tɜːn/ verb [I or T] ► to refuse an offer, a job, or a request: »The rival energy company s bid of 640p a share was turned down. turn sb down for sth »He was turned down for the job because of… …   Financial and business terms

  • To turn upside down — Turn Turn (t[^u]rn), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Turned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Turning}.] [OE. turnen, tournen, OF. tourner, torner, turner, F. tourner, LL. tornare, fr. L. tornare to turn in a lathe, to rounds off, fr. tornus a lathe, Gr. ? a turner s… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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